Multiple Repeat Guest

After having traveled with Michael Laubscher several times, and after interacting with him for over four years, I can summarize my thoughts about him in this single statement: I'd travel with him anywhere, any time!

All my travels with him have been a pleasure as well as educational. His attention to his client's experience starts well before the trip at which time he initiates an exchange on the optimal equipment to carry. That's a major help as you can imagine! Allowing enough time to gather equipment, or offering to help with the rental... he makes sure that you show up with the right equipment. While on the road, he is a professional through and through, helping his guests cheerfully, and explaining until all doubt is resolved. He does this in a pleasant way, just as one photographer helping another, although he is head and shoulders above us guests in photographic talent! I can safely say that I've taken many of my best pictures under his guidance!

I can't wait to travel with him again. He is the kind of guide which keeps me coming back to Wild Eye!

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