Just a GOOD Story | Close Encounter

This is a story that always comes to mind when guests ask me if I have ever had a close encounter with an animal.

In the guiding world the term situational awareness is used a lot. It is one of your very first lessons they will teach you in guiding school. Well, in this instance, my situational awareness decided to take a short break while me and my tracker were tracking a pride of lions on foot!

Without giving away to much of the story, this is a story of myself and my tracker tracking a pride of lions on foot.

With every encounter you have with a wild animal, dangerous or not, there is always be something that you can learn about the experience. These experiences is something that I will always cherish and remember. Being on foot, exposed to the natural environment around you is something you can not describe to someone. Every sense is heightened as you feel completely immersed in the untamed world around you.

And I have certainly learned a lot about myself and lions in this encounter!

If you enjoyed this Just a GOOD Story | Close Encounter, then check out our YouTube channel where we share stories and videos of experiences we have had! Or head on over to our Blog Page for more posts on everything wildlife, photography and much more.

Till next time


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