Some species have become almost synonymous with the Kalahari. Think of the Kalahari and in your mind automatically wanders to regal gemsbok, black-maned lion, curious meerkat, magnificent camelthorn trees and croaking black korhaan! Although all these species can also be found elsewhere, there is something special about seeing them in the semi-desert of the Kalahari.
The Kalahari has been called a predator’s paradise. You will find all of southern Africa’s large carnivore species at !Khamab. Lion, leopard, African wild dog, cheetah, spotted and brown hyena all call !Khamab home. Also, many of the smaller, and often shy carnivore species are present. Black-backed jackal, caracal, aardwolf, African wild cat, honey badger, bat-eared fox, Cape fox, meerkat and two mongoose species are always special to see.
Lower in the food chain you will find the typical ungulate species of the Kalahari. Adapted to survive in this semi-desert with only short periods of available surface water are gemsbok, eland, giraffe, red hartebeest, steenbok, and springbok.
With permanent water now provided in nine waterholes, species that were known to be present in large numbers as they migrated through the area during wet periods in the past are now flourishing. Blue wildebeest and zebra are flourishing at !Khamab and form an important food source for the large predators on the reserve. !Khamab’s proximity to the Molopo River puts the current location of the reserve in the historic migration routes of many species that moved west, following the river course – before humans occupied the area and fences prevented migration in large numbers. Elephant, buffalo, kudu and small populations of both rhino species now occur permanently on the reserve.
The Kalahari is also well known for its raptors, and !Khamab provides a place where many can soar in the skies. The reserve provides a safe place where two vulture species – the white-backed and lappet-faced vultures – can build their nests in tall camelthorn or shepherd’s trees. Other common raptors include bateleur, secretary bird and several eagle, owl, falcon, goshawk and kite species. The reserve is also home to other birds that are synonymous with the Kalahari. This includes the largest bird in the world, the ostrich, and the heaviest flying bird, the kori bustard.
Accommodation at !Khamab
!Khamab is in a malaria-free area and is safe to visit all year round. The size of the reserve and vast wilderness areas devoid of roads makes !Khamab ideally suited for discerning travellers that want something more than just the normal game viewing experience.
You will not be sharing the accommodation with other travelers or any safari outing or lodge activity. You will be the only ones catered for. No traffic jams at wildlife sightings as yours will be the only safari vehicle out there, ensuring intimate wildlife experiences and fantastic photographic opportunities.
A minimum of four nights stay is recommended to make the most of the !Khamab experience.
There are enough rooms to accommodate eight sharing guests at the lodge and you have exclusive use, and therefor a visit to !Khamab is a truly intimate and private wilderness experience. You have the privilege of having the entire reserve to yourself, adding to the feeling of remoteness that the Kalahari brings. This makes !Khamab an ideal destination for any occasion, from small get-togethers, celebrations or even exclusive honeymoons.
Insider Tip From Michael Appalsamy
Choosing the best time to go on safari can be an interesting discussion because of all the different areas and options. Regarding !Khamab, their average rainfall in !Khamab Kalahari Reserve is 333 mm/year, and the rainy season spans from December to May, although the first three months of the rainy season are significantly hotter than the last three. Temperatures generally peak in January at around 34°C.
The most comfortable time to travel is in South African winter (June, July and August) when temperatures are cool (0°C-20°C) and the climate is dry.
I can guarantee you that some of the sunsets you will see during this time of the year will be some of the most beautiful ones you will ever see!
Key features of !Khamab Kalahari Reserve:
With 95,000 hectares to explore, we are bound to experience different landscapes from day to day. As a photographer, this is great for us to leave !Khamab with a diverse portfolio of images including some incredibly beautiful dry lake beds which make for incredible afternoons with lots of dust, lots of animals and perfect endings to a day.
To my point above, within the 95,000 hectares to explore, we will be the ONLY tourist vehicle out at a time. This gives us the ultimate experience of exclusivity at every sighting which allows us to maximise our time at a sighting as well as our photographic positioning.
In a changing world, the face of conservation is also changing. Unlimited spaces for wildlife to roam freely are disappearing, and the importance of fenced reserves where nature can be protected is increasing. Unfortunately, many reserves are too small for natural ecological processes to play out, and interventions by managers are needed to replicate the balance that vast unfenced areas once provided.
This highlights the importance of larger reserves in the conservation landscape. !Khamab was established first and foremost as a conservation area, where its relatively large size can make a meaningful contribution to the conservation of the Eastern Kalahari. With the conservation of the Eastern Kalahari landscape, its inhabitants and the ecological processes that drive the system as the only objective, the vision, mission, and key objectives of !Khamab Kalahari Reserve were developed.
During our Exclusive Kalahari Safari, we book the lodge out exclusively and therefore our group is catered for on an extremely flexible basis. Whether it staying out on drive the whole day, coming back for an early breakfast or taking an afternoon to do some Lightroom, the lodge caters to all of our needs!
!Khamab Lodge, because of its unique design and extreme exclusivity is simply a must see property. All the elements come together here, from the experiences of the Kalahari, to the perfect lodge, it is simply heaven on earth.
All in all, we are extremely excited to experience this beautiful, well kept secret and we look forward to experiencing it with you. If you happen to have any questions, we would happily assist with them.
Thanks for reading!
Exclusive Kalahari Safari
The Exclusive Kalahari Safari give you an opportunity to visit and uncover South Africa's best-kept secret. Wildlife enthusiasts can enjoy unique sightings of Wildlife as well as beautiful landscapes that change around every corner. The exclusivity ensures an intimate experience, free from crowds and interruptions. This safari is filled with personal and immersive moments in the pristine Kalahari eco-system.