Trip Report: Jaguars of the Pantanal 2024

Our Jaguars of the Pantanal tour in 2024 offered some of the best viewing you could possibly ask for in the Pantanal.  During the seven full days in the northern Pantanal, we had a total of 52 jaguar sightings!

Apart from the incredible jaguar viewing that we had during the week, our guests were also treated to a couple of sightings of Tapirs, a weird looking creature who's closest living relatives are rhinos and horses.

One of the most amazing sightings of the week no doubt was of a maned wolf.  Despite them being called "wolves" the maned wolf is actually not closely related to a true wolf and belongs to the genus Chrysocyon, which means "golden dog".  Native to South America, the maned wolf is considered to be near threatened and generally prefers more grassland and savanna, but possibly due to the drought currently, may have been forced to come towards the river which serves as a permanent water source.

Despite the mind blowing numbers of jaguars we saw, it was the quality of sightings that we had that really blew my mind.  From jaguars swimming, hunting, walking on the beach, jumping in the water, mating, cubs, we literally had everything!

For 2025 both of our scheduled Jaguars of the Pantanal tours are fully booked, but we have secured 2026 dates and will release these soon.

If you want to jump on and secure and early spot for 2026, get in touch and let's get you to the Pantanal to see these magnificent cats for yourself.


Jaguars of the Pantanal

None of the Pantanal’s inhabitants are as sought after as the elusive Jaguar. This exciting Wild Eye Safari is designed to take you into the heart of the spotted cat’s territory as we dedicate nearly 9 days entirely to time with Jaguars. Although finding & photographing Jaguars requires time & patience, you’ll be surprised by the typical regularity of sightings. We will spend entire days (apart from lunch breaks) in search of this striking cat and stand a good chance of not only seeing them, but also of watching them on the move as they explore their territories and go out on the hunt, fascinating first-hand behaviour.

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