Why I chose Canon?

"Why do you use Canon?" - this is one of the common questions I get when out on Safari, and of course everyone has there own preferences but in this blog I'm going to share a few of the reasons why I jumped on the Canon train when I started out in photography.

Let's start off with some background information..

I got my first camera when I was about 10 years old, a good old faithful Nikon D3100 with a small 55-300mm lens - the perfect starter package! Unfortunately, it ended up being a phase where I loved taking photographs very happily in auto and I never went through the effort to learn how to take photographs. Then, for the longest time my camera just sat in a cupboard collecting dust. Fast forward a few years and Wild Eye came along..

As you can imagine, I had a lot to learn and very quickly.

After a few months of learning as much as I could about photography through The Wild Eye Webinars on YouTube, before I knew it I was off for my first trip to The Mara. When it came to the gear I took with me, I just stuck to what I knew and took some of the Nikon rental equipment that we have here in our office. And quite frankly, I hosted a few of my first trips using Nikon gear and I never tried anything else.

Until one day, I was hosting a trip to Madikwe, and there was no other gear available for me to use other than Canon gear..

Northern Serengeti

I can confidently say that from my first trip using Canon gear (specifically a Canon 5D4 and a 100-400mm lens), I have never looked back. I absolutely fell in love with the user face of the Canon system and there was a 'crispness' about my images that I really liked.

Looking back over the past few years, Canon have just gotten better and better in my opinion. We have the new Mirrorless Canon R 6's in our equipment now at Wild Eye and I have been fortunate enough to use it a few and that is also on another level. But I thought that I would sum up why I chose canon in a few points for you.

6 Reasons why I chose Canon

  1. Creative Photography

    With Canon digital cameras, you have the opportunity to apply photographic effects to your images before and/or after taking shots. With these cool effects, you can actually create your own photographic works of art.

    There are up to 16 shooting modes, and these allow you to take pictures in very tricky light situations. Canon digital cameras can also help you to apply dramatic color effects to images with the Color Accent and Color Swap modes. These modes effectively transform colors into black and white, or the color/s of your choice.

    2. No Blurs!

    When starting with photography, you might be tempted to think that a steady hand is the signature of a more experienced photographer, but it really isn’t. Serious photographers invest in camera lenses that reduce shake, which is why Canon’s Image Stabilization (IS) is so awesome! IS helps eliminate blur for sharper flash-free photos at up to 3 stops slower. With the PowerShot Macro mode, you can even take steadier macro shots to your heart’s desire.

    Although some of Canon’s digital compact cameras are quite small, the Canon engineering team blended amazing technology into the teeny space by developing a new IS processor chip. The new chip accurately controls the movement of the camera’s lens elements, delivering fast and precise shake correction.

    3. Intuitive Use

    Canon cameras are user-friendly. Many professional photographers highly recommend Canon digital cameras for aspiring professional photographers simply because their settings are so intuitive.

4. Made for Speed!

Never miss a single photo opportunity with Canon cameras. Well-known for taking shots in quick succession, you can rest assured that you’ll be able to get the perfect shot on your shoot, even if it as a fast-action fashion shot.

Canon cameras cater for all needs, whether you’re just starting out shooting your quirky pets at home, or the established professional photographer shooting once-in-a-lifetime action shots, Canon will have the camera for you.

5. Quality Pictures at an Affordable Price

With a Canon digital camera, you can take professional-looking photos without investing in very pricey cameras. A Canon camera is a good choice for aspiring photographers and so are the lenses and accessories. As an up and coming photographer, you can take pictures that will make your photographic work look clean and very professional without breaking the bank.

6. Recording capabilities

I absolutely love the Canon gear for its exceptional video recording capabilities. The seamless integration of cutting-edge technology and intuitive controls allows me to capture special moments with real clarity. EOS R can record clean, uncompressed 4K digital video with embedded timecode over HDMI output in 10-bit, really makes for stunning cinematic videos.

So there you have it! I really do enjoy photographing with the Canon system and perhaps you may have different preferences to me and I would love to hear about them so feel free to leave some comments!

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.

Until next time,


Want to find out more about Canon

Canon have taken the mirrorless market by storm and you can find out some very interesting points you have to know about the Canon Mirrorless System.

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