Back to Basics blog series

If you are wanting to start out in Photography, or you are a seasoned pro looking to brush up on your photographic knowledge, then this is the perfect "Back to Basics" blog series for you!

Shutter Speed, Aperture, Iso, Metering modes. These are just a few of the basic terms that one should know in photography and they are intimidating words when you don't quite know what they mean! Well, to make you feel better we all had to start somewhere, including myself!

In this series you can cover the following topics:

  1. What are those numbers on my lens?

  2. Aperture

  3. Autofocus

  4. Shutter Speed

  5. ISO

  6. Metering modes & Exposure Compensation

Start in Photography

Back to Basics: What are those numbers on my lens?

"The first set of numbers mentioned in the lens specifications refers to the focal length of your lens and is represented in millimetres. These don't have anything to do with the actual size of the lens but rather how much zoom you have. Very technical I know, but let's get a better understanding of this.."

Have you ever wondered what those numbers on your lens mean? In this blog you will find everything you need to know!

Back to Basics: Autofocus

"Essentially, Autofocus allows the camera to make use of a number of Autofocus (AF) sensors to shift a series of elements inside the lens in such a way that the subject which you are wanting to photograph appears sharp and in focus. When focus is achieved, a little red square lights up indicating that the subject over which that AF point rests is now sharp and in focus."

After completing this blog, you are halfway through the Back to Basics series!

Back to Basics: Shutter Speed

"Quite simply, shutter speed refers to the duration that the shutter/mirror inside the camera locks up and allows light to pass through the lens (and your resultant aperture created by your F stop value) and onto the camera's sensor."

Is it always about the fast shutter speeds? Read this blog and find out...

Back to Basics: ISO

"With shutter speed, we understand that too slow a shutter speed (as is often the case in low light) can result in soft and blurry images. We know that we need a faster shutter speed in order to cancel out any camera movement but also understand that we may not want to, or be able to, change our aperture value to allow in any more light (in order to increase the shutter speed).

This brings us to ISO.

I like to look at ISO as the "middle-man" which brokers a deal between aperture and shutter speed."

It is important to take note of what an ISO that is too high can do to your images.. Find out in this blog how to manage your ISO.

Back to Basics: Metering Modes & Exposure Compensation

"Okay, so there is one more pretty technical piece that we need to cover in the Back to Basics series before moving on to the more exciting stuff. That is Metering modes & exposure compensation.

I'm going to try and make the various metering modes simple to understand using a couple of "out of the box' illustrations which I hope will resonate with some of you."

Last Blog of the Back to Basic series.. You've got this!

Thank you for joining along in The Back to Basics Blog series and I certainly hope that you can take something away from this!

If you happen to have any questions, please feel free to let me know in the comments and I will happily get back to you!

Just remember, everyone had to start somewhere with photography. Continue to practice... practice... and practice some more and you will become more and more comfortable in doing what it takes to capture life's wonderful moments!

Until next time,


One thought on “Back to Basics blog series

  1. Nancy Turner


    A great blog to learn from and refresh my skills. Now for some practice!
    Thanks Michael.

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