Behind the frame: Wide angle Amboseli Elephants

In this episode of Behind The Frame, Johan Van Zyl shares a Lightroom Edit of a photo taken in Amboseli National park of a herd of elephants on the dry lake bed.

Amboseli is one of the most amazing photographic destinations in Africa and arguably one of the best places to view and photograph elephants in the wild.

Exclusive Amboseli and Mara Kicheche safari

From the famed ‘big tuskers’ in Amboseli with the magnificent backdrop of Kilimanjaro, to the predator rich Mara Olare and Naibosho conservancies, photographic opportunities will be plentiful upon this safari.

One thought on “Behind the frame: Wide angle Amboseli Elephants

  1. Donna Knitter


    Thanx Johan, great pointers.

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