
Change the Way You See the World with the Wild Eye Blog

Our team post regular content about exciting destinations, photographic tips & tricks, recent trip reports, ‘how to’ guides, wildlife and more.

Whether you’re a regular safari goer, a wildlife photography enthusiast, keen traveler, someone with a sense of adventure, or just looking to learn a little more about wildlife, our blog is for you!

Feel free to leave comments after reading our blogs if you’d like to engage with our guides!


Madikwe is a Must!

I have been dying to share an opinion on our Wild Eye Madikwe Safari at Nkurru Lodge and having recently returned from this Wild Eye scheduled safari, I figured now would be a better time than any. Whether you make it your only safari destination or perhaps use it as an add on to your [...]

2022 Safaris

Crazy to think that 2021 is drawing to a close! A whole new year awaits and we have so much to look forward to. I am so excited to get back out into the field to do what I do best and I do hope that you can join me on a few of my [...]

My Top 10 Images of the Year

My Top 10 Images of the Year. As the year winds to a close, I thought I would share my top 10 images from the year. It has been very difficult to choose just 10 images, but I have tried to include 10 images from a couple of different destinations. I love going through past [...]

The 2021 Masai Mara Top 100

The Mara Top 100 is a blog post that we include every year to not only reflect on the season in the Masai Mara, but also to showcase the incredible diversity and sightings that this park has to offer. This year was extra special for all of us at Wild Eye, having not being able [...]

The Secrets of the Sand Forest

When describing the Sand Forest, one might find themselves describing a fantasy world found only in story books and written by an author with a wild imagination. A forest that has more secrets than we can discover and more questions than answers. A forest so old that when you walk among the ancient trees you [...]

My last safari for the year…

Just like that, another year has gone by. I can't believe how quickly the years are passing. This year has gone by in the blink of an eye. Leading up to my final safari of the year, it has allowed me to process and think back to the incredible moments I had on safari this [...]

Photographing in the rain

Photographing in the rain. On safari, rainy weather is often seen as a "sleep in" or "stay at camp" time, however, this could be when you produce your most dramatic and rewarding images. On a recent safari to the Masai Mara, we had THAT moment... We were having a number of afternoon thunderstorms that built [...]

What is Wildlife Photography about… For YOU?

What is wildlife photography... for you? It is a question that keeps coming up, either on safaris, or just as general discussions with like-minded people. What should wildlife photography be all about?  I suppose a similar question would be; what made you buy a camera in the first place? With so many competitions, awards and [...]

South Luangwa truly is the Valley of Leopards

South Luangwa is the valley of leopards, of that there is little doubt.  Having just returned from two weeks in a piece of paradise, it once again reminded me why I love South Luangwa so much. South Luangwa was initially established in 1904 with British conservationist Norman Carr being extremely influential in setting up the [...]

Do you have a style of photography?

Do you have a style of photography? Or what is your photographic style? This is a common question that often comes up on safari. It is an interesting topic to talk about and one that I'm sure many people will probably disagree with what I am about to say, but that's ok, it's just my [...]

Giant Beasts & How to Photograph them

I get it, elephants are lovely to look at in their entirety as they chow down on a nearby bush or tree. It's just every time you lift your lens this giant grey blob looks, well like a giant grey blob. Let’s be honest most of the time the large beasts we encounter on safari [...]

Wild Eye Guest Blog – Amboseli & Masai Mara

This was our first safari with Wild Eye and first safari in Kenya. We had found Wild Eye some 4-5 years ago on social media, and they immediately gave the impression of professionalism, respect for wildlife and nature as well as people. We contacted Andrew Beck who suggested to us a 11-night safari divided into [...]

Focus on Composition

When it comes to wildlife photography, there are two main elements. Composition and the technical stuff. The more basic side is the compositional side & then you get the more complicated part and this is as many refer to it is, the "technical stuff". Too many times people get caught up in the mess & [...]

NEW Tour: The Great Migration with Hides and Helicopters in Kenya

The Great Migration and Hides and Helicopters of kenya's South Rift Valley is a new and exciting safari experience which runs over a 10 night perios. This is a one of a kind experience combining Kenya's Great Migration, exclusive use of low level photographic hides and scenic aerial photography over Lake Natron and Lake Magadi [...]

Packing essentials for going on safari

So, I decided to write a slightly different blog, I know in the past, we had written blogs about some of the things to always remember too pack when heading out on safari. Having said the above, I thought it would be a cool idea to go around the office and ask each member of [...]

That Magical Campfire

Tomorrow I jet off to Kenya! I'll be hosting a group of guests in our very own camp in the Masai Mara. There are so many things to look forward to but there is one thing that stands out.  I honestly cannot wait to find myself around that magical campfire again. There is just something [...]

Watch out for the Horizon

Watch out for the Horizon! Something that is so simple, but often overlooked is horizons. Especially in areas such as the Masai Mara and the Serengeti, but this principal applies with any image that has a horizon in it. Often as photographers, we focus so much on our subject, the reason we picked up our [...]

The Northern Serengeti

Its no secret that the Serengeti is one of the most amazing wilderness places to visit on the globe, especially having recently won the title of the best national park in the world…again. Usually, when people envisage Africa and going on safari they think of wide-open space and rolling savanna. It’s the cliché Africa that [...]

Instagram Tip

It's about time I share an Instagram tip with all of you. Instagram has been a part of my life for many years now. Over the years, I have done well to maximize the platform in building a respective following. In saying that, for any of my followers reading this blog and/or watching this video, [...]

Experiencing Mana Pools

I recently hosted a safari to Mana Pools for the first time in about 6 years. If you have been to Mana Pools or seen videos and images from Mana Pools you will know it is quite a special place, so you can imagine my excitement to return to this magical place. So how do [...]

Gentle Giants

Having recently visited Amboseli, I can say with certainty that elephants are right up there with my favorite animals. I have had the fortune of visiting a variety of wilderness areas across Africa in my life and have seen many elephants, but what I love about elephants, is that they give me this sense of [...]

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