Mara Experience Week

I recently had the pleasure of returning to the Wild Eye Mara Camp for the first time this season! This incredible week included some mind blowing sightings and I am not joking when I say, I experienced the best 45 minutes of safari in my life!

Click play and watch my head talk about some of the photos and scenes we witnessed.

I hope you enjoyed that!

Do you want to experience the majesty of the Mara? I am sure you! Have a look at the below links to get started.

Until next time,


Experience Mara Magic

The Masai Mara offers incredible photographic opportunity outside of the typical migration period. In fact, many an award winning image have been captured during the shoulder season either sides of the migratory movements.

Greatest Show on Earth

During the Great Migration season over 2 million animals gather on the plains of the Masai Mara setting the scene for one of nature’s most incredible spectacles and undoubtedly one of the best wildlife and photographic experiences.

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