Top 3 Crazy Sightings from the Masai Mara

Well you asked for it and I am here to share it. On my instagram poll majority of you asked to hear about my top 3 craziest sightings from my recent Masai Mara Great Migration tour. It was really difficult to choose only 3 crazy sightings as there were tons of dramatic crossings, leopard kills, [...]

What’s In My Bed?

Over my years as a guide I have been in some hairy situations (all puns intended). Lions charging me on foot, being chased up a tree by a buffalo and surrounded by an angry breeding herd of elephants while on a walk. Although they were adrenalin filled and tense moments, I readily and willingly put [...]

Easy & Powerful Pano’s in Lightroom

Easy and powerful panos in Lightroom. I find panos such a useful and extremely powerful tool but not only to capture mountain ranges and sunsets but to use this skill for much more than you can imagine! It's no longer an iPhone camera option but a photo skill of epic proportion. The best part of [...]