What trip am I looking forward to the most?

This is a tough one to decide on after a year of not really traveling much… Before South Africa went into full COVID Lockdown in March, I was about to fly out to India to host a safari, one that I was very excited for and was merely days away from getting onto the plane and heading off. So, if I think of trips coming up next year, I think the one I am looking forward to the most is my Incredible India trip.

There are so many reasons why I would choose India as my favourite, I think the main reason is that it is a completely new destination for me. It is a destination that has been on my bucket list for many years and I cannot wait to share my new found deeper passion for nature, conservation and wildlife with the guests joining me.

We are fortunate enough to be visiting four different destinations over the course of this safari, which allows us to see the rich diversity India has to offer. Having only heard about this trip through chatting to Johan, I find myself like a little kid in a candy store. I think it’s due to how different it is to anything that I am used to and have experienced and I cannot wait to share special moments with my guests and see the different destinations and safari as a whole through their eyes.

When we plan our safaris, there is plenty of research that goes into it, from where to go to time of year etc and the reason that we have planned this trip in April is because it is during the dry season, this means that it will be very hot, but the bush isn’t as dense, making game viewing better and the chance of the tigers hanging around the waterholes is much higher. Apart from the tigers there is a wide range of other wildlife that we will be looking for such as leopard, sloth bear, wild dogs, monkeys, dear and much more!

Judging by Johan’s last trip to India, this trip is bound to be nothing short of incredible. After the year that each and every one of us has had, I have no doubt that getting out and about exploring a new destination and immersing ourselves in our surroundings.

We only have a couple of spaces left on this trip, I have no doubt that they will be taken quickly.

If you would like to see what this safari is all about, click on the link below which will take you straight to the safari page:  https://wild-eye.com/product/incredible-india/

And if you would like more information or would like to facetime chat with me, get in touch: trevor@wild-eye.co.za

Come and explore India with me, Its going to be one to remember!

Until next time,


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