2022 Best Of Mana Pools Trip Report

What an adventure this was! This incredible eleven-day adventure took our small group of only  five guests into three different areas within Mana Pools. This safari is a unique experience as it offers the opportunity to explore both the wildlife-rich floodplain as well as "the last waterhole" further inland known as Kanga Pan, as well as a 3 night stay at the wildest place in Africa - Chitake Springs.

This is an experience that everyone will enjoy. Photographer or not. Apart from the very close up, on-foot encounters with elephant, lion, leopard, wild dog and so much more, this safari as been designed to offer great wildlife, landscape and safari activity diversity.

There was not a single day durning our safari where we did not get to photograph and/or experience something truly spectacular.

I can type an essay here trying to explain just how incredible a safari experience in Mana Pools is. Sadly, this will not do it any justice as it will only be truly understood once experienced.

It's not only an experience... It's a feeling!

To sum up our time there now; I've broken it down into three defining factors;

  • Angles
  • Light
  • Natural Framing


2022 Best Of Mana Pools Trip Report - Michael Laubscher - Wild Eye
2022 Best Of Mana Pools Trip Report - Michael Laubscher - Wild Eye

Each camp we visit during this safari offers such different but equally as amazing safari experience. From eye level hides to multiple game viewing decks. Scenic game drives to thrilling walking safaris. The on foot encounters are just incredible and for some reason, game viewing just seemed to be a constant every single day out there. Now what makes these angles a defining factor you may ask. Well not only is it an absolute rush getting so close to these wild animals but it also offers you a great opportunity to broaden your photographic portfolio. That said, lets move onto the second defining factor;


2022 Best Of Mana Pools Trip Report - Michael Laubscher - Wild Eye

I have thought hard about this one. Based on the many areas Wild Eye guides have traveled to, there is probabaly no other safari destination that will provide its visitors with the kind of light that Mana Pools displays. Sunrise/sunset is like something you will hear of and/or seen in a mystical fairytale. As the day grows warmer, the colours strangely tend to cool down. The depths of the forest reflect immersive colours at any time of the day which lets you enjoy time in there last any time of the day. Speaking of this incredible forrest, the last defining factor is;

Natural Framing

Those that have traveled with me before will know that I've always been a big fan of making use of the environment to enhance the look of ones photography. Mana Pools is a perfect destination to do just that. Photographing with this in mind does not only make you as the photographer challenge yourself and in turn grow. It also places your subject in its environment and this is exactly what you want to create in Mana Pools as it is just so picturesque.

All of the above paves the way ensuring great diversity on both the overall experience as well as your photography of which you can see more of in the gallery below.

2022 Best Of Mana Pools Trip Report - Michael Laubscher - Wild Eye

This safari offers what I truly believe is the very best of Mana Pools. The short lists below are my stand out highlights of the each camp we visited during our stay.


  • Small and intimate camp.
  • Eye level hide accessible at any time. This gave us the opportunity to really diversify our photographic portfolio.
  • The water in front of camp and the natural spring further east of that (also visible from camp) is the only pertinent water in the area for many miles. Due to this animals are on your door step all the time as all the magical moments we got to witness there during our stay was literally within a 2km radius of camp.

Zambezi Expeditions

  • Small, intimate and absolutely breathtaking camp right in the banks of the Zambezi with many elephant coming in to visit every single day.
  • This time of foot walking the mystical flood plains of Mana Pools.
  • The intimate on foot encounters with elephant, lion, wild dog, leopard and many other wild animals.
  • Photographing the iconic balancing elephant of Mana Pools.
  • The colors the flood plains/forests in this area is just photographic heaven.


  • Small and intimate camp.
  • The wildlife in and around Kanga pan; of which the main area as well as all the tents have a view, was so prolific. It was as herds of animals left the waters edge, more just seemed to arrive.
  • Enjoying the arm chair safari on the comfortable deck all day every day was just bliss after many hours in a bumpy safari vehicle.
  • The very up close encounters with elephant in and around camp lead to some really interesting photographic opportunities.

My guests and loved every second of our recent adventure and I can assure you that you will too if you decide to visit this very special area.

Join Us In Mana Pools Next Year!

There is only one space left on next years safari and would hate for you to miss out! This is a comprehensive safari experience to Mana Pools that will touch your senses in every way.

Thanks for your time and I look forward to seeing you on this adventure one day soon!

Until next time;


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