An Eight Week Adventure

Where do I even start describing what an eight week adventure is even like…

Maybe at the beginning right?

Well; it all started on 24 July as I jetted out of South Africa for Kenya and this honestly feels like years ago. The list of safaris below are where I was exploring during this eight week adventure;

I would love to go into the truly exhilarating details of each safari mentioned above but this may just be impractical to say the least. I say this because this blog will then keep you busy reading for days. This is because each destination has its unique noteworthy features and there are many at each. What I will do instead to sum up this adventure is leave you with one word – Stupendous!

Back tracking slightly, pre-safari “prep-stress” is a thing all us guides deal with. It’s not just about jumping on a plane and off you go. There is so much that needs to happen and line up long before you even think of packing,  let alone setting sail. Prepping for an eight week adventure was quite a mammoth task but I need to take this moment to thank our incredible team in the Wild Eye office. They are the real rock stars and honestly deserve 90% of the credit, always at hand to assist with any potential issue (of which there were a few during this recent safari marathon) we may face either prior/during/post safari which provides the guides and guests with what any person traveling always wishes for;

peace of mind.

This very point is why one of our most loyal guests created the hashtag -


I stand; proudly, by every single team member knowing that every single individual plays a huge roll in making this machine tick. May this be in office or in the field, I know that every single member makes sure that every guest that joins us on safari gets nothing less than extraordinary service. This is not always easy and I’ll be honest here, there were a few moments during this long stint where I found myself asking why I do what I do. In saying that, the pros definitely outweigh the cons and I always have such great time hosting my guests and getting to know them a bit better. Great sightings, great photography and great memories during an eight week adventure is inevitable.

So to sum it up, this safari was very long but so incredibly memorable!

Feel free to see a few moments I managed captured at each destination as these will do the experience more justice than my words ever will.

Image galleries from the past 8 weeks,

Great Migration Safari


Sadly, this is all I can share for now as I need to get this prepped and ready for my safari to Madikwe later this week. I hope all the images above do some justice to how incredible this adventure was. As mentioned there were many ups, a few downs but I always remind myself to stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the journey.

The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page.

I would love for you to join me in writing what will be one incredible book one day soon.

Have a blessed one;

Michael Laubscher

Lets Start Planning Your Next Adventure!

Remember... Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.

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