Basic Introduction to Lightroom Classic

Just getting into digital photography and editing your images and upon opening Lightroom Classic for the first time, found yourself to be rather confused? Well, in this video I show you around the software and just what is going on. It may even help some of you that have been using Lightroom for a while.

As usual, please feel free to post your comments and question below or on the YouTube channel and I will happily get back to you.

Masai Mara Photographic Workshop

Wild Eye Safari's are already at the forefront of wildlife photographic travel, but our workshops take learning, in-the-field and post processing tuition to the next level, all of which purpose-built to change the way you see your own wildlife photography!

Avoid Messy Lightroom Imports

One of the biggest problems I encounter on photographic safaris is finding Lightroom catalogues in a mess and very difficult to find images or perhaps the process in which some people use to get images into Lightroom and to start editing can takes ages!

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