Camera Sensor Technology

Understanding camera sensor technology is very important as this is the backbone of any digital photography system. This small piece of technology plays a crucial role in determining image quality. A camera sensor is a light-sensitive device that captures the light that enters the camera and converts it into an electronic signal. The resulting signal [...]

Mid-Year Safari Highlights

As I am half way through my 2023 safaris, I decided to write this very short blog for all of you to show off my mid-year safari highlights. It truly is a beautiful thing for mind, body, and spirit to take some time daily for reflection. Since everything is a reflection of our minds, everything [...]

Behind The Frame: Masai Mara Wildlife Photography Workshop

In this episode in the Behind The Frame series, Michael Laubscher shares a Lightroom Edit of an image of a male leopard and a spotted hyena feeding on the same carcass captured during the Masai Mara Wildlife Photography Workshop in November 2022. The Masai Mara offers incredible photographic opportunity outside of the typical migration period. [...]

Best Of Uganda Trip Report May/June 2023

To best understand just how incredible our recent adventure in Uganda was, feel free to watch the video below. In it I explain the itinerary and show case some of the very special moments we enjoyed and managed to capture throughout the trip. Best Of Uganda Trip Report May/June 2023 The forests form a guests [...]

Full Frame vs Crop Sensor Cameras

The endless debate between full frame vs crop sensor cameras will never die. Each to his own budget is what I always say. There are pros and cons to each and I hope this blog clarifies this for you somewhat. Let us start at the very beginning… A full frame camera and a crop sensor [...]

Focus Modes vs Focus Areas

          I know just how messy Focus Modes vs Focus Areas can get in one’s head. I think back to my early days with camera in hand... so many things to remember right? Well I am here to hopefully provide simple clarity. The two (modes & areas) are very different concepts [...]

First Aid Qualification

By law, all field guides in South Africa need to have a valid first aid certificate in order to legally guide. We are proud to say that our guides have always been and still hold a valid first aid qualification. Last week we had Andrew Miller, founder and owner of S.M.A.R.T. Response in the Wild [...]

The Importance of Focus in Photography

Without focus, there is no photograph. Well, at least not one people want to look at for more than a mere second. So the importance of focus in photography is everything really. In my opinion, it over rules exposure. I say this because you as the photographer will have good room for error on this [...]

Best Of Serengeti Trip Report 2023

We have decided to put a slight twist to this particular trip report. Instead of us writing about the experience and flooding this blog with images, we as the hosts of the trip decided to record a video and speak you through the incredible safari we recently returned from. Overlayed in the video of Johan [...]

Topaz Labs

Looking for a big game changer to your photography? For now, look no further than Topaz Labs. Before we get into this, ever hear/read – “Haters will say its photoshop”? Well this incredible softwareis far from. To put it simply, Topaz Labs have a variety of products that will help you as a photographer to [...]

Challenges New Photographers Will Face

There are many challenges new photographers will face along their journey. This too will be the case for your more seasoned photographers as facing challenges is simply just a part of life. Where is the fun with no challenges right? Challenges are opportunities for growth and development. This too can help build resilience, increase self-awareness [...]

Masai Mara As A Safari Destination

The Masai Mara as a safari destination is something I do not think needs an explanation. This gem of a safari destination is one of the most prolific game viewing destinations imaginable as it is home to an incredibly diverse array of wildlife. Along with that comes, probably one of the most spectacular natural events [...]

Mana Pools As A Safari Destination

Mana Pools As A Safari Destination… Where do I begin? Far north in Zimbabwe, nestled within the Zambezi Valley lies a creation of nature still pure, splendid, untouched and wild yet so tranquil along the banks of the mighty Zambezi river. The abundance of wildlife, stunning natural beauty and unique opportunities for adventure out there [...]

Uganda As A Safari Destination

Are you looking for an adventure of a lifetime? Look no further... Uganda as a safari destination is like finding a hidden gem of a safari destination that's sure to leave you in awe. Imagine coming face-to-face with majestic mountain gorillas in the lush Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Trekking through the dense rainforest to catch [...]

Welcome To 2023

Welcome to 2023! As we all get to start off the new year on a clean slate, it's impossible not to feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for all the wonderful adventures that lie ahead. The start of a new year brings with it endless possibilities and the promise of new experiences. I for [...]

2023 Safari’s

And just like that, another busy safari year is a wrap. Thinking back, the memories and incredible moments the many guests I had the privilege of hosting and I now get to cherish is something no words will ever describe. Looking ahead at my 2023 Safari's, I cannot believe that my scheduled tours calendar is [...]

Best Of Pantanal Trip Report

What an amazing 13 day adventure this was. The six guests and I started our journey exploring southern Pantanal where our main focus was to find the two anteater species, the Giant Anteater and the Southern Tamandua. We succeeded! In saying this, the area is not only great for the larger mammals. It's an absolute gem [...]

2022 Best Of Mana Pools Trip Report

What an adventure this was! This incredible eleven-day adventure took our small group of only  five guests into three different areas within Mana Pools. This safari is a unique experience as it offers the opportunity to explore both the wildlife-rich floodplain as well as "the last waterhole" further inland known as Kanga Pan, as well [...]

An Adventure In Namibia

It is quite crazy to think that I have just returned from an adventure in Namibia that only went into planning about six months ago. To provide some context, I received the following mail a few months back from the guest I recently hosted on this private guided safari in Namibia; "Hi Michael, So lovely [...]

The Best Of Serengeti Trip Report

Johan & I recently returned from one incredible adventure in Tanzania. This time round we've decided to do things a bit different. Usually trip reports feature guide images but we're changing it up for once. The Best of Serengeti trip report will be more of an external perspective. Speaking of perspective, the following list will [...]

A Safari In April

Has your dream been to go on safari in April? Or perhaps to just go on a safari? You're in luck! The Amboseli & Lake Nakuru safari is around the corner (19-29 April 2022) and we have only one space left on this safari. Over the past four years, this safari has produced absolute magic [...]